I too am evaluating Botox with Hibner. My problem seems different than the majority of his patients. I have pain at the vaginal entrance. My exam with Lisa showed nothin visably abnormal. MRI also shows nothing. Saw Loretta who said I have severe pelvic floor spasms that MAY be causing the pain. This does not interfere with my dIly functioning but does however affect my sex life tremendously.This finding caught me off guard because I do not have abdominal pain and Lisa said she felt no spasms on her exam. I am all for the pudendal block as this procedure carries the least amount of risks. Loretta thought Botox would help, so I said sure.
After reading this forum it makes me question my choice. I know that Hibner is an amazing surgeon who is working hard to establish research and spread awareness of pelvic pain disorders. I get Botox done cosmetically and love it. It makes me feel like this should be safe
Any suggestions?
I did not find the right solution from the internet.