This is an update of the resume I used to get an internship with a small nonprofit. Since then, the internship turned into a full-time position, I took time off school to work that job, the nonprofit lost funding, and I returned and finished school. I'm a bit blocked on reorganizing and rewriting, and I'm unsure how to accurately detail my history without over-explaining.
I am looking for advice on organization, wording, and all the usual. In particular, I have some uncertainty about dates: I was in college from 2003 through 2007, then I worked for a little more than a year, then took a couple of classes at a different school to finish my degree. Right now I just have the date I was granted my degree listed, and I think I'm on solid ground there, but I'd be less nervous with the Hivemind backing my instinct here.
Also, my drugstore position is a bit complicated. I worked two nonconsecutive summers there (2004 and 2006), and then I worked a year and change concurrently with my internship (2007-

. I've just put start and end dates, but should I be more specific? Does anyone hiring a programmer even care when he worked retail?
Most importantly, I'm not sure how to integrate what's currently in the "educational focus" section with the skills I acquired at Interra. Should I leave it in place and revise it, or should I drop that section and move the important points into a "Skills" section or the like?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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