This has been discussed recently. At one time God had a chosen nation. I believe this changed once God sent his Son. Let's consider a few scriptures.
John 4:19-26. Here Jesus indicates that proper worship will not be confined to a specific location or group. He revealed himself to a member of the apostate Samaritan nation. Though Jesus told her that she worshipped what she did not know, the time had come when the Jewish way would no longer be superior. Soon the temple would be destroyed and the location of worship would no longer matter. The only thing that would matter is that the Father was worshipped "in truth,'" in other words in sincerity and free from hypocrisy. Acceptable worship is not based on factual knowledge. Otherwise no Samaritan or gentile would be permitted to worship. Instead salvation is quite simple. John 3:16-18.
Unfortunately organized religious groups have gone beyond these simple truths of Christ to force members to pledge allegiance to their organizations. Anytime someone says faith in Christ is not sufficient we should be suspicious. By making such a claim, they are going beyond the words of Christ. Did the early apostles go beyond the words of Christ? No.
Acts 16:30-33. The jailer asked what he needed to do to get saved. The reply was simple.
Also read Acts 2:37,38. Peter here showed what was needed. Quite simple.
How many months of deep bible study did the Ethiopian need before getting baptized? What organization did he join? It's ironic that we as Jehovah's witnesses love to talk about a spiritual nation, while at the same time we insist on the need for there to be a literal physical nation. Quite contradictory.
Acts 10:34,35,43. Here the apostle Peter shows that God is not partial, but anyone who fears him can be acceptable. Also those believing in the Son have forgiveness of sins. Again so indication of God needing a chosen group or special organization.
By insisting on association with a specified group we have in effect divided the body of Christ. Paul shows this in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. Here Paul says we should not claim to belong to a certain sect or teaching as Christ died for all believers. Who do Jehovah's witnesses really follow? Who tells us what to believe? Who has been wrong in the past? This does not just apply to us, but applies to any religion that follows the teachings of a pope or a group of men.
For example: Debating over the trinity is pointless. There are people on both sides who vehemently believe for or against it and believe scripture supports their viewpoint. Does it matter who is correct? No. Because nowhere did Jesus or his apostles cite belief or non belief in a trinity as a requirement for salvation. Anyways if one does have a correct understanding of the trinity but holds incorrect beliefs in another area, are they any more worthy of salvation than the Trinitarians? No. So unless Jehovah's Witness hold an absolute monopoly on truth we are no better off than anyone else. This is why I believe God no longer needs an organization. Because if he did, we would all be doomed.
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